Thursday, 25 August 2016

PRIMARY 5 - Preparing for Interviews

By Georgia Clark

Someone had mentioned in one of our earlier workshops exploring the theme of ‘Primary Schools’ that they remembered ‘drawing a house and a tree and a sunshine repeatedly’ at primary school. We began this week’s session, the last of the summer ‘prepping’ workshops, with a group activity exploring this.

‘Was there something that you drew or wrote often when you were at Primary School?’

A3 sheets of drawing paper were lain out on the tables tempting our childhood doodles; horses, paradise scenes and Thunderbirds 2 were some of the images that adorned a line of rope strung up to accommodate our remembered drawings. We listened in as each person explained the story behind their drawing, rekindling the supportive dynamic of attending to and being curious about each memory that had been enjoyed in previous sessions.

Some of the drawings revealed stories of activities shared with siblings, begging the question of whether or not these drawings were actually done at Primary school. To alter the direction slightly, we talked about specific memories of drawing and creating done in the classroom.

Memories of art lessons echoed around, one where a primary school art teacher asked the children to copy paintings by Georgia O’Keeffe sticks in my mind, and we wondered aloud about the intention and purpose of these activities: Why did the teachers ask us to do this? Some answers were ventured; it’s about finding different ways for people to express themselves; to develop craft and motor skills. We collectively mused and considered our memories from new angles, seeing if we could intuit different meanings.

With a dynamic change in energy we were all up and working in partners to ‘sculpt’ each other into different shapes. At first we did this by physically moving the other’s limbs with our hands, and then we did it without touching the other person but using the same motion, as if a force field separated your hands and their body but carried the intention. We stepped back after each round to admire the room’s diverse statues.

This was a warm up for the next exercise – ‘strike a playground pose’ - bodies frozen running, playing, roaming and chatting animated the room. We broke up into four smaller groups and brought the still shots to life to create a short sketch. After watching these back in a group we were directed in replaying our sketches at the same time, so that they overlapped with each other, creating the first group sketch of the summer. A frisbee was being flung around in one corner of the room as someone fell over in another and play sword fighting traversed the space. We performed this several times, the instructions varying; ‘this time, do it as if your over acting at being a child’, ‘this time, like you’re actually an adult’, ‘make everything seem as if it’s the most important thing in the world this time.’

It was our first piece of theatre as a group; a taste of what a performance might look like once all the elements of our investigation have simmered together, infused with nuances of how our primary school persists in each of us, as well as how they are experienced today; the recipe concocted out of the rich ingredients collected in this ‘foraging’ process.

A short break was welcome after our exertions in the playground; we re-joined after five minutes to meet the next task of offering up ideas and thoughts which would inform some preliminary interviews and meetings on the subject. We began by considering in small groups what each of the following would want children to be by the end of primary school, some of the responses are in italics:

Industry - good production worker, good with hands, compliant, literate, numerate
Government - respect for other people, pass Key Stage 2
Secondary schools - good behaviour, confident, well-balanced, inquisitive
Our children - happy, able to cope, to be a child and have fun
‘Us’ - ready for secondary school, critical thinker, caring for others, have encountered diversity and difference

This would be the final workshop of the summer, they will resume in September and in the meantime myself and perhaps some others will carry out some interviews, or ‘meetings’, with people that have worked in primary schools and with those that went to primary school locally or abroad, to scope out what these meetings might look like and harness some material to play with in September. I was grateful that a final task would harvest the groups’ ideas of what they would like to ask people if they were the interviewers…

Some questions for a teacher, governor, retired teacher, dinner lady, caretaker or current student:

How do you deal with trouble?
What made you choose a career in teaching?
What is your favourite subject and why?
How many keys have you got?
What food do the children hate most?
What do you think of the exclusion policy for primary school students?

And with that the final prepping workshop drew to a close. It’s been a great summer - join us next term!

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

PRIMARY 4 - No one’s mentioned learning anything!

By Georgia Clark

Apart from some dismissive remarks about not liking maths, the fact that a significant amount of time at primary school was spent being taught things had barely been mentioned in the first three workshops exploring how we remember ‘Primary Schools’. As curious as this was, it was leaving a gap in information that couldn’t be ignored and Peth wanted us to explore this a bit today.

I learnt that teachers aren’t always right’

‘I remember learning the times tables’
‘a Cypriot dance that went something like this, we all learnt it and performed it’
‘I made a Viking hat’
‘igneous rock’
‘if you mix all the colours together you get brown’
‘I learnt to be stressed at primary school – I went to primary school in Singapore’

There are over 80 pages in the primary school curriculum about English! And 60 for Maths! Science not far behind with about 40, leaving a few pages a piece for Art, History, Geography, Languages and the rest… How does a teacher interpret and animate this dense web of instructions?  

And if it were up to us? In small groups we devised short performances which had to convey the key learning points for some of the Key Stage 1 subjects. After each performance was shared, those in the audience tried to pinpoint what these learning points were.

Snippets of history spoken out in well-timed relay - ‘Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas in 1492’ – conveyed the broad learning points set out in the History syllabus through specific historical events. A sheet of paper pulled out from someone writing on it and replaced by a smart phone demonstrated the sweeping changes that advances in technology have made to national life.

A raised platform looking on to the Thames provided an impromptu stage for Geography to ‘inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people’. The Physical Education group also performed outside, inviting, or, more accurately, instructing, audience members to join in with a P.E. class. Adults were cast back into eager and quivering school children, darting and racing and protesting.

Singing and dancing through the Music Key Stage 1 curriculum.

This ambiguous and experimental exercise put us in a sense in the role of teachers, creating a short class plan to perform to (or teach) the rest of the group. The challenge that this posed made me see teachers in the light of curators. Is how they interpret the curriculum ‘script’ and aim to inspire through their delivery a form of performance? It felt a bit of a scrabble for my group to get our heads around the subject matter and think of interesting ways to convey it in the time that we had. How did our rushed and sparse attempts at this tally up with the real constraints in both time and resources that teachers face?

The whistle stop tour through four of the Key Stage 1 subjects was overwhelming in its data load (what a lot to learn in those first years!), and left a slightly disjointed and inconclusive feeling as we had spent much of the session in smaller groups and journeying around the Bubble building and its surroundings, but it was fantastic to see some of the interactive and imaginative ways that the learning points were conveyed.

I was interested in how Pip, one of the developers of vernacular theatre, felt about what had come out of the activity, “it’s about seeing how people respond to things, too early for anything else at the moment. Exploring the subject matter.” I think this open and exploratory approach is really interesting in how it elicits a wide range of moments and responses – both comfortable and uncomfortable – and allows for things to not work, making the process itself human. I’m looking forward to see how the dynamic of this process manifests in the final show.

We also created a timeline of playground crazes through the ages: from marbles and dominos in the 50s and 60s to Pokemon cards and pogs in the 90s and today’s Pokemon Go and Candy Crush.